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TPS Gun War Shooting Games 3D Play Now

TPS Gun War Shooting Games 3D online games

Load your backpack with ultimate weapons, as you will rule your city. In this mission action simulator game, you will play as a pro shooter to accomplish different challenging shooting missions. Lock and load with an arsenal of advanced weaponry, from energy rifles, explosive grenades, modern loaded snipers, machine guns, and other deadly weapons. Engage in heart-pounding battles against bad boys, zombies, and!

How To Play Free Games:

Movement - WASD, fire - right mouse, zoom - right mouse, jump - space, lock cursor - L, Crouch - C, Reload - R, Instruction - i, Enter/Exit - F, Grenade - G, Reset Car - R, Crouch - C, Weapon Swap - 1/2, Auto Shoot - Z, Pause - Escape

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